Food For The Soul: Diet of a Yogi
A must have book for every yoga practitioner and every health conscious soul. We can fast, exercise practice yoga but can maintain the good results only when followed by a proper diet. This book contains delicious recipes for fasting, Detox and a regular diet. A culmination of 15 years of research this book will heal your body, touch the hearts & stir the soul.
Food is gift of mother nature. This gift is the most sacred and when this gift is carefully received it can fill our hearts with love and bestow the ultimate happiness. Food For The Soul is a guide to understand the incredible gift of how food can mitigate all pains in the body and mind and lead a healthy life.
Sundari Dasi has combined ancient yogic wisdom of fasting and detoxification and presented it in a modern practical way. Being a certified yoga teacher and a health conscious individual Sundari has drawn on many years experience of cooking for yogis all round the would and their valuable inputs are incorporated in this book.